
Glaucoma is symptomatic condition of the eyes which the intra ocular pressure exceed the tolerance of the affected eyes resulting in irreversible visual field defect. It occur more commonly in elderly people. Normal intra ocular pressure is range between 10 to 20 mmhg. The intra ocular pressure increases basically by two factor: a. an increase in formation of the aqueous humour.b, decrease in the drainage of the aqueous humour through the angle of the anterior chamber. The defective drainage may occur due to improper development of the angle of the anterior chamber.( congenital ), obstruction of the trabecular meshwork by particulate material or secondary obstruction of the angle of the anterior chamber by formation of peripheral anterior synechiae, plasmoid aqueous( hypertensive iridocyclitis ) and pupilarry block.
Primary glaucoma
The causes primary glaucoma still unknown may be familial or hereditary trait. The primary glaucoma sub classified into open angle glaucoma which the angle of the anterior chamber more than 20 degree. And closed angle glaucoma less than 20 degree. The angle anterior chamber range is 0 to 45 degree.
Congenital glaucoma
Congenital glaucoma is usually developmental in origin and often by improper cleavage of the anterior chamber.
Secondary glaucoma, result due to some known causes adversely affecting the formation or drainage of aqueous humour. example glaucoma due to uveitis, traumatic glaucoma, and others.
Treatment of glaucoma
The early diagnosis of glaucoma is important to prevent visual defect due to of high pressure. The main aims of management glaucoma is to reduce the intra ocular pressure to normal range which it does not causes damage to optic nerve and cause irreversible visual damage. Most glaucoma patient came to clinic with complaint of headache, pain around eyes, redness, could not sleep due to pain. it is indication that the intra ocular pressure should be check. When the patients have been diagnosed as glaucoma, intra ocular pressure should be reduce to normal level as soon as possible using medication anti glaucoma treatment. If using anti glaucoma treatment the pressure still, consider reduce by surgically
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